The architecture landscape has witnessed the emergence of numerous architectural and design firms in the past few years, but only a few are well-reckoned for their unique and authentic offerings. Roth Architecture is one such name that has carved a niche for itself by creating architectural and interior spaces that enhance the user’s exposure to a holistic experience through the conception of places. It combines a multidisciplinary team with varying specialties, comprising industrial engineers, computational specialists, architects, interior designers, and a section dedicated to research and development. They all participate in the development of a project. The initial idea can come from any member of the team; it is an exploration to transform the way they live and relate to art, nature, and ancestry.
The creative leader behind Roth Architecture, Eduardo Roth, is an autodidact. Throughout his life, he has searched for different methods in the fields of marketing, architecture, construction, painting, sculpture, cinema, and hotel management. He further stated, “We are a tribe, and our pillars are ancestry, nature, and art.” Around these principles, they are weaving an architecture with the participation of our 20 workshops, from glass fusion and macramé to Fablab and Matlab. Our fashion and ceramics units, for example, are relevant in what is commonly called interior design.”
The team is striving to maintain very deep contact with indigenous communities in Amazonia, Panama, several areas of Mexico, and soon in Africa. The Tribe finds immense inspiration in the knowledge of the native peoples, who carry out everything with significance and a deeper, frequently hidden purpose.
The Key Inspiration Behind the Initiation
Roth takes a more holistic approach to life; it is not a decision made by a professional. He does not work in a specific profession; rather like in ancient sacred architecture, he and his team envision, plan, and build to create spaces and invoke the energies that elevate individuals who experience them—a reconnection or a reencounter. They transform themselves as they engage in creative processes that challenge their preconceived notions about life. The act of creation transforms them all.
Sustainability Initiatives and Practices
For Roth, sustainability is to resonate in sync with those who came before him. In the case of his projects in the Middle East, it is with the desert, with the wonderful and almost invisible life that goes on in the desert and that suddenly sprouts and blooms in hours with a little rain. In Uh May, near Tulum, where Roth lives, is to learn from the trees. Inside his house, there are still 200 living trees that were there and will continue after we are gone. The harmony of different species is reflected in the peace that those trees provide, which makes for the perfect place to live. This harmony transcends buildings.
The Industry Insights
Architecture has a fundamental role in the construction of possible futures in the experience of living; at the moment, people work and study in square boxes, live in square boxes, and travel around square boxes. How, therefore, could the minds not be square in this setting? The challenge is to redesign the relationship with the environment. In this way, without chopping down any trees, Roth and his team are building an SFER IK museum on 29.6 acres of Tulum jungle to house artistic endeavors that employ both AI and ancestral intelligence to interact and converse with the natural world.
Overcoming the Hurdles Along the Way
Obstacles have been their great teachers, and their philosophy is to let problems grow until they become gigantic; thus, the solutions must be unique. The magnificent man takes challenges as an opportunity to grow and integrate oneself into the unfamiliar and the uncharted rather than as something to overcome in difficult circumstances. Architecture, as in life, is an incredible adventure.
Fostering a Culture of Creativity and Innovation
As an exemplary leader, Roth strives to provide his team with freedom, an open and transparent ecosystem, and room to express their creativity. During creative meetings, there is a strict time constraint that limits the ability to come up with ideas, have insights, and consider the situation and its prospects from many angles. In the creative industry, time and money constraints are two of the strongest accelerators.
Planning for a Shining Future
As Roth Architecture foresees a radiant future ahead, they have two projects of their own in Tulum, where they will have great creative freedom: One is the AZULIK Basin, a project centered on the outdoor museum SFER IK that is only 0.2 miles from the coast. It features a hotel, spa, homes, villas, and kid- and adult-only experience areas that are all deeply immersed in nature, art, artificial intelligence, and ancestral knowledge.
The other project, called AZULIK Hive, is centered on working together to build a variety of business and non-profit activities. It will involve both virtual and on-site participants and be repeatable, open-source, and crowd-sourced.
Parting Words by the Industry Trailblazer
There is an enormous amount of knowledge and wisdom in the world and among the species. Wisdom is in the minerals, the plants, the animals, and the humans. Humans are disconnected, trapped in previous mental processes that are not useful in this stage of integration and collaboration. Currently competing is the method; it is a very primitive, inefficient, and self-destructive method; it is linear; and it is incapable of understanding the great complexity of this age. The only thing that can save humanity is to create a new way of thinking that combines spiritual and scientific thought with the various beliefs we hold in an all-encompassing process of cooperation and mutual learning. The only way to provide common solutions is to learn how to perceive things from others’ perspectives.