The purpose of your website is to be a digital storefront for your business. It’s supposed to attract people and convert them.
But, of course, that’s not always what happens. These days, many websites never get visited at all.
Often, the problem is deep-seated issues with your website features, pages, or backend. Mistakes in these places can reduce conversions and even put people off your business entirely.
So, what should you be looking out for? What are the signs your website needs a revamp? Let’s take a look:
No Business Tool Integration
Lack of business tool integration is a problem you see quite often. If your site doesn’t line up with other solutions in your stack, it often means a lot of extra manual work. And that can take its toll on your time.
So what’s the solution?
The most obvious approach is to simply take your existing solutions and look for plugins or integration features that let them take data from your website. This automates marketing, finances, and other operations, saving you time on the job.
Security Issues
You may also need a website revamp if you have security concerns. These aren’t just dangerous for customers, they also cause Google to rank your site lower. In many cases, this can lead to a negative experience, especially when shoppers or clients are getting warnings from their browsers (something you’ll want to avoid).
Cleaning up these issues can take a long time. At the bare minimum, you’ll need to do the following:
- Comply with local laws
- Apply SSL certificates to your pages and domain
- Add security and encryption protocols
- Use HTTPS, not HTTP which is the older and less secure standard
Low Conversion Rates
Low conversion rates are another sign your website needs a revamp. If you’re not transforming people who visit your site into buyers, then your domain isn’t doing its job.
The trick here is to get your funnel working in every stage. For example, suppose it is hard for customers to find the products, services, and resources they want on your site. Using an internal site search alternative solution could help by offering a more granular approach.
Likewise, assume that users on your site don’t know what to do next once they finish consuming content. Including various calls to action could resolve these problems quickly.
Better Competitor Sites
Your website might also need a revamp for the simple reason that your competitors are doing better than you. Following their lead can sometimes be the best policy.
For example, you could hire a website developer to copy a rival’s domain but in your style, adding all their functionality and aesthetics. Upgrading your site could help customers view you as a serious competitor.
Lack of business tool integration is a problem you see quite often, especially in a wholesale business. If your site doesn’t line up with other solutions in your stack, it often means a lot of extra manual work. And that can take its toll on your time.
Slow Loading
Finally, you may need to overhaul your website if your pages load slowly. If it takes a long time for everything to appear within the browser window, that could give off the wrong impression.
Again, look at backend techniques like optimizing images and minimizing code.