Every entrepreneur should have an exit strategy with their company. This is when they depart the company under the right circumstances.
For you, it could be selling your business. As much as you might look forward to this, especially when the price is right, it begs several questions. One of the more notable; what next? It’s a question every entrepreneur asks once they’ve sold up.
Though this is always a personal experience, a few steps could be worth focusing on no matter what.
Selling Your Business: 3 Steps To Take Next
1. Know The Tax Implications
Selling a business has considerable tax implications, and you’ll have a noticeably large tax bill after it happens. Make sure you know what your tax obligations are after selling up.
This goes beyond simply paying taxes on what you got paid for the sale. You’ll need to make various declarations during the process. A lot of this focuses on the assets that changed hands during the sale. These need to be categorized and fully accounted for.
Because of that, it could be difficult to understand everything and sort it out. A qualified tax professional can help with this.
2. Treat Yourself
You would’ve spent years getting your business to the point where you could sell it. That would’ve involved countless late nights and early mornings, and a lot of stress.
It’s worth treating yourself now you’ve sold up. You deserve it, after all. With the money you would’ve made selling your business, you could go all-out with this. A 2024 Nautique G25 Paragon or similar large purchase could be a great way to go. Focus on your preferences with this.
With how much of yourself you would’ve put into your business, there’s no reason not to treat yourself now you’ve sold up.
3. Establish An Income Stream
While you should’ve made a decent bit of money out of the sale – even after taxes – it doesn’t mean that money will last you forever. There’s always a chance it could run out before you know it.
It’s worth establishing an income stream early so you still have something to live on. If you’re not planning on using the sale profit until retirement, this could be a necessity. It’ll even give you something to do to prevent getting bored relatively quickly.
You don’t even need another job for this. Investing in various assets with your sale money could be a great option.
Selling Your Business: Wrapping Up
Selling your business is a step you could’ve looked forward to for years, and you should get a decent bit of money out of it. You’ll need to ask yourself a few questions when it’s happening.
One of the more notable is what happens next. It’s an area you’ll need to spend quite a bit of time on. What’re you going to do after you sell your business? As personal as the answer is, some steps are common.
They’ll help you make sure you’re on the best path possible after selling up.